Innovative Leadership Strategist
Isioma Utomi is a highly sought-after leadership development consultant. She is the CEO of Catalyst Experience Solutions and founder of the Performance Upgrade Lab, a coaching platform to develop agile leaders. She advises entrepreneurs and executives on how to work smarter to achieve their goals.
With a background in implementing Lean Six Sigma methodology in Fortune 500 companies, Isioma combines a collaborative approach with data-driven best practices to empower future-ready leaders.
A Salzburg Global fellow, Isioma actively champions diversity within the business and tech communities – supporting the achievement of sustainable development goals through value creation and economic empowerment. She also spearheads impactful events like the Women Who Launch summit at Lagos Startup Week, amplifying the voices of women in the African startup space.
Isioma was recognized in the Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD) Class of 2023 Global Top 100 List in support of the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent.
She has a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University, Masters in Digital Media from Northeastern University and a Certificate in Entrepreneurial Management from the Enterprise Development Centre, Pan-Atlantic University.